Azelaic Acid Cream for Rosacea

Rosacea is a skin condition that affects to the facial parts of our body. Symptoms can include facial flushing, redness, spots, thickening of your skin and eye problems (such as dry eyes and sore eyelids). Not all symptoms occur in every case. Rosacea affects majorly people in aged between 30 to 60 years. Many cases are found mild; the spots can usually be cleared with antibiotic treatment. Rosacea is common in those with fair skin. It may be recurrent, transient or persistent and is characterized by its color, red. Azelaic Cream is a product that significantly helps to reduce redness and bumps from your face. Azelaic acid gel and foam is used to clear the bumps, lesions, and swelling caused by rosacea.

Clinical features of Rosacea?

Rosacea results in red spots. Rosacea may also result in red areas, scaling and swelling.

The characteristics of Rosacea include:

  • Frequent blushing or flushing of the face.
  • A red face due to persistent redness or prominent blood vessels.
  • Red pustules and papules on the nose, forehead, cheeks and chin often follow (inflammatory or papulopustular rosacea).
  • Rarely, the trunk and upper limbs may also be affected by this disease
  • Dry and flaky facial skin
  • Aggravation by sun exposure or hot and spicy food or drink
  • Enlarged unshapely nose with prominent pores and fibrous thickening
  • Tight swelling on facial areas including the eyelids.
  • Persistent redness and swelling of the upper face due to lymphatic obstruction (Morbihan disease)

How is Azelaic Acid Cream works for Rosacea?

Azelaic acid cream is used to clear the bumps, lesions, and swelling caused by rosacea. It should be applied to the acne affected area initially daily, then if tolerated building up to a generous twice-daily application after thoroughly cleansing the face. Acne responds slowly to the treatment. Some visible improvement should be seen after one month of using Azelaic acid cream. Further improvement occurs with maximum results after 6 months of continuous use. This treatment can be continued safely for months or years if your acne remains active. The azelaic cream is also effective for mild inflammatory rosacea if applied twice daily to affected areas. Rosacea is usually diagnosed by the typical symptoms and its typical appearance on your face. There is no specific investigation that is needed to confirm the diagnosis.

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